Jason Murphy

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      Jason Murphy

      Jason Murphy

      Murphy Trial LawTotal Records: 1
      22722 29th Drive SE, Suite 100, Bothell, WA 98021
      15 years of experience

      Phone Number


      Jason Murphy is a distinguished trial attorney with over 15 years of experience litigating personal injury cases in New York City and Washington State. His practice focuses on complex personal injury litigation, specifically cases involving general negligence, wrongful death, motor vehicle crashes, products liability, and construction accidents. Over the years, Jason has built a reputation as a steadfast litigator who never wavers from his goal of achieving justice for his clients and for their families.

      Practice Areas


      Wrongful Death

      Product Liability

      Commercial Vehicle Accident

      Construction Accident

      Personal Injury Protection


      • Western New England Law School in Springfield, Massachusetts

        Year: 2007


      22722 29th Drive SE, Suite 100, Bothell, WA 98021

      phone no.


      Contact Jason

        When did the accident occur?
        Are you at fault?
        Have you seen a doctor?
        Already represented by an attorney?

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