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San Diego Personal Injury Mark C. Blane is the owner of The Law Offices of Mark C. Blane in San Diego, California.
Bad Faith Insurance, Business Insurance, Disability Insurance, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Motor Vehicle Insurance, Property Insurance
Animal & Dog Bites, Brain Injury, Car Accidents, Construction Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Premises Liability, Truck Accidents, Wrongful Death
Attorney Founder and Owner Law Office of Mark C. Blane, APC
Year: Current
Description: Attorney Mark C. Blane has been practicing San Diego Personal Injury law since 1999, and he serves all of San Diego, and most of Southern California.
San Diego County Bar Association Attorney Member (Current)
California State Bar  # 201811 Member (1999 - Current)
San Diego Consumer Attorneys Attorney Member (Current)
San Diego Volunteer Lawyer 2002.0
San Diego Volunteer Lawyer 2001.0
Thomas Jefferson School of Law J.D. (1998) | Law
Year: 1995 - 1998
Louisiana State University - Shreveport B.C.J. | Criminal Justice
Year: 1988 - 1995
Honors: Deans List 1995
Louisiana St Univ B.S. (1994) | Psychology
Year: 1988 - 1994
Honors: Deans List 1994
525 B Street, Suite 1500, San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 946-7835