Yeemen Chan

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      Yeemen Chan

      Yeemen Chan

      Steinger, Greene & FeinerTotal Records: 1
      Coastal Tower, 2727 NW 62nd St, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 33309

      Phone Number


      Yeemee Chan is a litigation attorney with Steinger, Iscoe & Greene. As a result of helping her sister through a serious brain injury, Mrs. Chan is dedicated to helping other people and their families, who have suffered catastrophic injuries. During law school, she donated her time and expertise as a teacher’s assistant, where she taught citation skills to first-year law students and wrote several citation skill guides that are still being used today.

      Other Affiliations

      Broward County Trial Lawyers Association (Director)

      Florida Justice Association (Member)

      Asian Pacific American Bar Association of South Florida (Member)


      Contact Yeemen

        When did the accident occur?
        Are you at fault?
        Have you seen a doctor?
        Already represented by an attorney?

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