Yvonne Koopman

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      Yvonne Koopman

      Yvonne Koopman

      Bailey & Galyen Attorneys at LawTotal Records: 1
      1901 Airport Freeway, Bedford, TX, 76021
      Immigration Lawyer

      Phone Number


      Yvonne brings over 20 years immigration experience and fluency in 4 languages(English, Dutch, Spanish & Papiamento). We're excited about the potential of broadening our immigration services to include employment immigration.

      Bar Admission

      Texas, 1989


      • University of Houston Central Campus, Houston, Texas Bachelor of Science in Hotel & Restaurant Management

      • University of Houston Law Center, Houston, Texas, 1986 Texas Doctor of Jurisprudence

      • School of Hotel Administration of Puerto Rico Associate Degree in Hotel Administration

        Honors: magna cum laude


      Contact Yvonne

        When did the accident occur?
        Are you at fault?
        Have you seen a doctor?
        Already represented by an attorney?

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