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Michael A. Mainetti is a lawyer with practice area includes Personal Injury in Poughkeepsie, New York.
Michael A. Fakhoury attended Marrist College, SUNY Albany, Union University and Albany Law School. He is a life-long resident of the Hudson Valley. He practices in the areas of Bankruptcy…
Todd Wylie Carpenter is a lawyer with practice area includes Business Law, Criminal Law, DUI & DWI in Poughkeepsie, New York.
When people meet Marty Rutberg, they sense that this is a serious man doing serious work. Other lawyers try to impress people by talking about the size of their verdicts…
Mark Stephen Smalec is a lawyer with practice area includes Legal Malpractice, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury in Poughkeepsie, New York.
Mark J. Metzger is a lawyer with practice area includes Employment Law, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury in Poughkeepsie, New York.